Minaret College, Springvale Campus Melbourne VIC
Minaret College is the largest co-educational Islamic school in south-eastern Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.
MyDiary's collaboration with Minaret College was an enriching experience as we wanted to honour the mission of the college as defined by the late founding director, Mr Mohamed Hassan (OAM):
"My goal in setting up an Islamic School is to provide our Muslim children with a site for the preservation of their Islamic Identity by fostering in them the Islamic Values and preparing them to be model Australian Muslim citizens that participate positively in building a prosperous, harmonious and safe society."
Mr. Mohamed Hassan (OAM), Founding Director of Minaret College
MyDiary strove to be a paragon of integrated Islamic knowledge and practice. We achieved this by adding a bookmark insert that reminded students of the Daily Duas, the meaning of the most recited surah in Islam, and the Five Pillars of Islam:
Shahadah: Declaration of Faith.
Salah: Offering Prayer Five Times A Day.
Zakat: Giving a Fixed Proportion of Wealth to Charity.
Fasting: During the Month of Ramadan.
Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca.
The great benefit of the bookmark feature is that it stays with you no matter what week you are up to in the diary, so it becomes a critical tool for the placement of important information.
We then focused on the college information pages as we understood the college wanted to provide a caring and friendly school environment fostered by a professional body of committed staff, so we invested design efforts into the college's statement of commitment page and created infographics to make the information attractive and readable for students.
We also encouraged the school to include uniform images to communicate their uniform policy. The result was a great spread with uniform illustrations indicating primary, secondary and sports uniforms.
As a final step, our date section layout incorporated plenty of space for homework, along with weekly tips on organisation and surah excerpts.